Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A wise, wise man

I've just listened to an edition of Scott Mann's The Permaculture Podcast where he interviews David Holmgren.

It reminds me that, only 100 km from Moora Farm, there lives a man of transcendent creativity and wisdom.  I have met the man, been to his property Melliodora, and have a number of his books.  His Permaculture: Principle and Pathways beyond Sustainability is as precious a book as I own.  You can buy it from his site.

During the podcast Holmgren talks about some important things - including his justification (?) for being a 'practitioner' as well as a theorist / teacher.  The further I go on life's journey, the more sure I am that what we do is so much more important than what we say.

He also talked about the limitations of reductionist science - in his quiet, wise way.  It seems to me that scientific triumphalism is one of the errors of our age - possibly exceeded in cost only by the practical chaos that results from treating economics as a science - rather than the dangerously narrow philosophical speculation that it is.

Anyway - enough pontificating for one morning!  I need to do something practical.  

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